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The Adamant: a faction created from many of the former Dirge members, creating Way City’s first armed force against incursions. 


  Daydra Reem: former hunter, Kiindle’s wife

  Daviid: technician, former AGA

  Kiindle Reem: former Hunter, Shuu’s Legacy

  Maaise Schooner: Commander, former AGA

  Sasha Varsiliev: troop commander, former cross

The Aegis: a security and surveillance agency that spans all border cities and colonies. A neutral agency without Peer ties. There are Peers within the Aegis, but it is not of the Peerage. 


  Briidger Schmidt: Assistant General of the Aegis, Way City Branch

  Virryken Ballad AKA Ryke: double-agent, Kagaali’s block-guard, former group member

The Anti-genetic Agency: a group that protests the creation and citizenship of genetically created people. A fringe/terror group who will stop at nothing to protest genetics’ existence.


  Chaad: second-in-command

  Maaise Schooner: elite agent, leader of the AGA

  Daviid: technician/hacker

The Black Cross/The Cross Clan: A faction comprised of Upper and Lower Cousins of the Cross Family, a Second Peer Family that is a branch of the House of Schatten.


  Allan Darkside: Cureya’s assistant, Lower Cousin   

  Ares: kinetic, telempathic hunter, Shuu’s brother

  Cureya Fari: genetics’ technician, Ares’ and Thanatos’ Handler.

  Daamian Cross: Head of the Cross Family

  Lucien Lyre-Schatten: telempathic, Head to the House of Schatten, Luciious’ father,  

  Luciious Schatten: telempathic, leader of the Black Cross, Heir to the House of Schatten, Cleopatera’s Handler.

  Lynna Cross: auxiliary precog, telepathic 

  Mathue Yallie: upper management, genetics’ technician, at one time he was Caylle Blaanch’s Handler, Kiira’s father

  Sasha Varsiliev: troop leader, soldier, Lower Cousin

  Thanatos Dumas, AKA William Emmet and Red - Hunter/stabilizer, Yallie’s go-for, Tyler Dumas’ adopted brother, member of the Emmet Family, formerly part of the Blood gang and a Wolf, leech


  Caylle Blaanch AKA Blanchard Rhea: the First Hunter, team leader, kinetic

  Kiindle Reem: second-in-command under Caylle, telempathic

  Daydra Kyn: 

  Ares: telempathic and kinetic, Marduke’s special project 

  Cleopatera AKA Tanis Lass AKA Carol: Hunter, originally a Upper Cousin of the Lass Family, Luciious’ Schatten’s bodyguard when not on assignment

  Rizzol (deceased): Caylle’s second-in-command 

  Seiien Yaon-Cross (deceased): lower cousin, kinetic, Darkside’s Hunter

The Blood Gang: a group of former Wolves who left the main tribe. 


  Dryads: Hades’ woman

  Hades: leader of the pack

  Mryks: a cub

  Reena: pack member

  Thanatos Dumas: (see Black Cross entry)

The Bounty: a group of wealthy basans who own most of the reality in on Dive street and above in the airmall, they receive a tithe from business owners in exchange for protection. 


  Tyrn Varyn: owns the cul-de-sac area, business owner

  Salvatore Gravano: owner of the Merch, black market dealer of information and whatnot

  Vynna Lee: owns many of the buildings in the airmall, former crow, 

The Dirge: a group founded to fight the takeover of the Black Cross and Juvia, comprised of many peoples, factions and gangs from all over the city.  


  Alyse: former group medic

  Azeiah: former group scout, team leader

  Daviid: AGA technician

  Delia: wolf, Fatemaa’s wife

  Dykin Bream: wolf sneak, information dealer, part of black team

  Fatemaa: wolf, Tyler’s second-in-command, part of black team

  Fynch: kinetic wolf

  Maaise Schooner: AGA leader, elite agent

  Maka: wolf

  Heryn Havers: weasel, part of black team

  Kiira Yallie: former group medic, surgeon, part of black team

  Shail: former head of the group’s medical team

  Shuu Dayl: precog, part of black team

  Spyder: leader of the Dirge, past affiliations unknown

  Tanser: elite AGA agent

  Tanis Lass: Shuu’s Legacy, former Hunter

  Tater Dumas: wolf, the youngest Dumas

  Thanatos Dumas: wolf, leech, part of black team

  Tyler Dumas: telempathic wolf

The group: a ragtag group of inner and outers that polices the outer-city. They are the Black Cross’s only direct opposition, and often act as intermediators between gangs. Speaking for the disillusioned and disfranchised who don’t want to join a gang or faction.


  Alyse: Safe-house ‘mother’, medic, Shail’s assistant

  Azeiah: scout, hacker

  Grahm Rahl: leader of the group, scout, former Instigator for the Black Cross

  Kiira Yallie: assistant medic, scout-in-training, Matheu Yallie’s daughter

  Ryke Ballad: Scout, team three’s leader, former wolf

  The Sect: five unknown men and woman who ‘run’ the group

  Shail: Lead doctor and surgeon for the group, scientist, former member of the Black Cross

  Shuu Dayl: precog, scout

Inner-city Vandals: a prominent gang in Basal. They have a hand in most the drug trades and handle all of the human trafficking in Basal, often working with the Black Cross, when they need more lab rats. They clash with the Tribe often and account for almost half of the crime and violence in the city.


  Dek: second-in-command

  Fez: Low-level vandal

  Stringer: upper management, enforcer

  Vindahl Ket: leader of the gang

The Martyrs: a group of brokers brought in by Schatten to destabilize Way’s infrastructure to create an opportunity to once again try and take the city, this time from within. 


  Bastian Zayne: the mouth

  Skif Zayne AKA Serena: leader of the Martyrs

The Spacial Territories Panel: a meddling group that oversees trade, commerce and policies between the planet and the spacial territories. 

The Reapers: a group founded by Kagaali after he flees the Black Cross, comprised of former crosses and Crows.


  Ha’deene: telepathic crow, sneak

  Kagaali Ruben AKA Rue AKA Ares: leader, former Hunter

  Tyrsannya Morvala: telempathic second-in-command, also a Crow

  Sasha Varsiliev: former cross, third-in-command

The Society of Warfare AKA SOW: a galactic initiative that polices acts of war, ensuring rights and laws are upheld, sentencing those guilty of warcrimes and generally sticking their noses where ever. Neutral agency without peer ties. There are Peers within the Society, but it is not of the Peerage 


  Niika Strato: investigative agent

The Tribe: a blanket term for a group of gangs who follow a similar set of rules, traditions and language. This includes: The Wolves of the Shadow, the Alleycats, the Crows, and the Bears


Wolves of the Shadow:

  Delia: wolf, Fatemaa’s wife

  Fatemaa: wolf, Tyler’s second-in-command

  The Old Wolf/Dommelyn: auxiliary precog, alpha of the Wolves of the Shadow

  Maka: wolf

  Tater Dumas: wolf, the youngest Dumas brother (Thanatos brought him along when Tyler adopted him)

  Thanatos Dumas: wolf, (see Black Cross entry)

  Tyler Dumas: telempathic wolf, beta of the Wolves of the Wolves of the Shadow


  Lassiter: Alpha of the alleycats, auxiliary precog

  Oona: panther

  Twyg: alleycat, warrior

  Vyk: king of the pride, Oona’s mate


  Ha’deene: telepathic crow, sneak

  Tyrsannya Morvala: alpha of the Crows

The Weasels: a large, disreputable gang who fights with everyone. Claimed an animal name to mock the Tribe. Have worked with the Black Cross on occasion


  Heryn Havers


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