There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed. -Hemingway

October 19 2024
It's been a little while since The Way to Peace released in July and after some down time I'm into working on the Coventry Story WIP. Things are a little slow at the moment, but I expect things to pick up in November, with NanoWriMo kicking off. I'm HOPING to accomplish 50,000 words on the WIP, and as I've never actually participated in Nano, it will be interesting. I have a group of writers who are also going to be participating, and that will be great for fellowship and accountability.
Hope you all are having a fantastic Fall, and I hope to see you all soon!
July 16 2024
It's the proof for THEÂ WAY TO PEACEÂ but I was all giddy and tired... The proof is here! After I run through it, physical copies will be available, probably around the end of July!
July 11 2024
Well, it's been quite awhile and you've all waited so long, but I'm happy to say the Way to Peace proof copy is in the mail. Shooting for publication at the end of July, both the ebook and paperbacks will be available on Amazon. Signed copies, and copies in the local area will take a few weeks more (postal times are crazy right now, right?)Â
But I'm SO SO pleased with the way the cover art came out, and if you've looked around the site, you'll see how lovely it is. I can't wait to have it in hand!
I'll keep you all updated, I thank you for your patience. The long haul is almost over!
November 25 2023
Well, it's nearly the end of the road for The Way City Chronicles! I just finished the last read through and formatting for the paperback manuscript. Now all that's left is the cover art! So excited to see how that turns out! Releasing early 2024 The Way to Peace will conclude my sci-fi/urban fantasy trilogy! I'm a little sad and exhilarated at the same time. It will be so much fun to see what the future holds for new books, characters and maybe even revisiting Way City ;).Â
Thanks for sticking with me on this grand adventure, see you soon!
June 28 2023
So the Way to Peace is still with Beta readers, but they're chugging away, and we're making great progress, having reached the half way point in the manuscript!
When the Stones Cry is on hold at the moment as I've been formatting and refining my little rear-end off, preparing the Way to Battle (1) and the Way to War (2) for republishing. These second editions will include an updated and refined manuscript, the Terms Glossary and Indexes you see here on the website, as well as the Way City map! I'm super excited to share them with you!
Stay tuned for when theses awesome versions will be available!
April 14 2023
I'm so excited to announce that Way to Peace is out to beta readers! This is the first time that I've ever used betas, so I'm a little nervous. But SO excited for this next step. As I wait for comments to come back, I'm beginning to work on a new project. But you'll just have to wait and see what that is...
(If you follow my instagram, you'll see some first hand posts about it 😉)
Thanks for sticking with me, see you soon with more updates!
March 14 2023
I'm pleased to announce the 1st draft of Way to Peace is finished!! Wow, this feels amazing! The draft is sitting at 183,137. I'm pretty impressed with myself, I said it would be about 180K, and I was right! It's a beast. We'll see how much I get to keep >_<
Thanks for sticking with me through this arduous process!Â
I will start editing in about... 2 weeks, after I decompress and read a couple books. Editing will happen quickly, then off to BETA readers for some input!Â
Look forward to more news soon!
March 1 2023
It's a new month! And I'm so excited to say I just finished a huge scene moving forward to the end of the book, so I was very happy about that. Finishing that section achieved hitting 160k words! I was pretty stoked!
Things are looking good to definitely finishing the 1st draft by September. I'm pushing for even possibly finishing at the end of this month (here's hoping!) Progress has been steady, and that would be the ultimate birthday gift to myself!Â
Keep checking back for more updates!
January 4 2023
Happy New Year, everyone! I'm so happy to have reached a new year with you all! I'm excited to let everyone know the new timeline I'm hoping to achieve this year!
Each quarter of this year has been broken down into word count goals and I have exceeded 1st quarter's already! That count is 72,169! A huge jump from my last update. I hope to have the 1st draft finished by the end of September, 2023. Tentative release date would be spring of 2024. So keep your fingers crossed for this epic finale!
December 14 2022
September 13 2022
Things have been progressing fairly well lately, I've got a bit of spark back after going back and reading book one and two as a consumer... Which I have never done before.Â
Word count is standing at 26,323 at the moment. I introduced two new characters who I'm fairly excited about, so look forward to that! Formatting front and back matter and getting things all squared away in that regard went smoothly. Keep checking in with more updates!
August 12Â 2022
Well, I apologize for the long absence. Progress has been a bit slow with some writer's block, book one and two reformatting and new job. Writing seems to be back on the menu now, and the Way to Peace has reached 23,000 words, which is kind of a milestone. I anticipate this book will be bigger than Way to War and Way to Battle, as all finales should be... Please be patient as I wade through the mess the twins have created for me...
January 01Â 2022
I'm happy to announce the 3rd book of 'The Way City Chronicles' series is underway! The working title is 'The Way to Peace' and will be (hopefully) the finale to the twins' and Way City's journey. But, well, you never know what those boys are up to...