There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed. -Hemingway

My Story and Passion
M.C. grew up in Washington State, being home schooled most of her homework involved reading, before she graduated high school she had read over 3000 books, this obviously fostered a love for reading. Naturally, writing followed.
It wasn't until after moving to San Diego for a time that she decided to pursue writing seriously, with the inkling of The Way to Battle--which started with a simple dream of two brothers running and hiding in the dark.
​Aiming to write stories with moral imperatives that are applicable to life. Avoiding explicit bedroom scenes and heavy language, she incorporate multi-faceted characters who grow and struggle while providing well-developed worlds and plots for them to maneuver.
Many more adventures are to follow, uninterested in writing in one specific genre, she writes what she feels. Close to her heart are tales of good vs. evil, defying preconceived stereotypes, truth and fact are not subjective, and the concept that good will always triumph, though the way be dark and hard.
Hopefully, others will come to love her characters as much as she does (I really do, don't let the WCC trilogy fool you!)
So here's to many more stories and adventures to come!